
Military parade to cost $12 million, reports CNN

U.S. service members stand beneath the U.S. flag in this Jan. 17, 2019, file photo.

President Trump’s requested military parade in Washington, D.C. will reportedly cost close to $12 million, according to three U.S defense officials who spoke to CNN.

The cost of the parade has been estimated at anywhere between $10 million and $30 million, but CNN reported that defense officials it spoke to increasingly think it will land at $12 million. 

One official told CNN the $12 million figure is a “a planning figure” and that it could still change.

The military parade is tentatively scheduled for Nov. 10, one day before the anniversary of the end of World War I. NBC reported that the parade is expected to begin at the Capitol, continue past the White House and end at the National Mall.

A $12 million parade would actually cost just a little less than the U.S.-South Korea large scale military exercise that Trump canceled during his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Trump announced following his meeting that the U.S. would halt war games on the Korean peninsula amid ongoing negotiations about denuclearization. The exercises were expected to cost close to $14 million.


Trump argued the move was justified because of the associated cost-savings, though he also emphasized that it was an unnecessary provocation given the talks with Kim. 

“Holding back ‘war games’ during the negotiations was my request because they are VERY EXPENSIVE and set a bad light during a good faith negotiations,” Trump tweeted on June 17. “Also, quite provocative. Can start up immediately if talks break down, which I hope will not happen!” 

The decision seemed to catch officials off guard and worry lawmakers, however, who warned that Trump appeared to provide a concession without getting anything concrete in return. North Korea had long argued the military exercises were an act of aggression.

The Pentagon confirmed in February that Trump had directed defense officials to begin planning a military parade. Trump is said to have been inspired by the Bastille Day parade he saw when he visited France last year, and desired a similar event at home.