Energy & Environment

Group hits GOP Senate hopeful on climate change

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is slamming Republican Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land (Mich.) for “ignoring climate science” in a new ad.

The 30-second TV ad released on Wednesday called “Koch Land 2” says Land is ignoring the science behind climate change because of conservative donors Charles and David Koch.

{mosads}The ad, which will air in the Grand Rapids media market, states that Land received $6 million in campaign donations from Koch brother front groups.

“Terri Lynn Land ignores climate science even though Michigan just experienced massive floods and an algae bloom that threatened drinking water,” said Daniel J. Weiss, senior vice president of campaigns for the LCV.

“The flood of Koch Brothers related money to support Land is more important to her than thousands of scientists warning about the damages from extreme weather and other climate impacts,” Weiss added.

Land has said she believes in climate change, however, calling it “absolutely real.”

She also said in a tweet in June that she believes in “protecting” Michigan from climate change, but not at the cost of administration regulations.

The LCV says that’s not good enough, and claims Land doesn’t think human activities are the main cause of a climate change.

Land is facing Democrat Rep. Gary Peters (Mich.) for the open Senate seat.