Energy & Environment

Biofuels group launches six-figure ad buy across 3 states

Biofuel advocate Fuels America is launching a six-figure campaign in Minnesota, Michigan, and Nebraska.

On Tuesday, the group announced the ad buys across the three states in support of four lawmakers who are facing reelection.

{mosads}The ads in Minnesota back Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) and Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) for supporting the renewable fuel mandate, which requires refiners blend a certain amount of ethanol and other biofuels into the nation’s fuel supply.

In Michigan, the group’s ad back Rep. Gary Peters (D), who is running a tight election campaign against Republican candidate Terri Lyn Land for the open Senate seat.

Fuels America attacks the conservative Charles and David Koch in the ad for Peters, which touts the Democrats support of renewable fuels.

“Peters wants to break our risky addiction to foreign oil but big oil is fighting back,” the 60-second radio ad states. “The Koch brothers are spending millions attacking him because Peters want to put money in our pockets and less in big oils.”

The final ad thanks Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) for his support of renewable fuels in his state.