Energy & Environment

Conservative group likens EPA regs to CIA torture

A conservative energy group is comparing regulations to curb carbon pollution proposed by the Obama administration to CIA torture tactics recently detailed by a controversial Senate report.

The American Energy Alliance (AEA) posted a cartoon and brief comment on its website over the weekend, comparing the Environmental Protection Agency to the CIA.

{mosads}“Whether it’s the costliest regulation in history or the coal-killing power plant rules (that [President] Obama’s law professor says raise ‘constitutional questions’), it’s clear that the CIA isn’t the only government agency engaged in torture,” AEA said.

“At least the CIA isn’t torturing Americans,” it adds.

AEA, an energy group linked to billionaire donors Charles and David Koch, also posted a cartoon showing a massive “EPA torture report” squashing Uncle Sam.

The EPA report depicted in the cartoon states it will raise energy costs, crush businesses, kill jobs, kill the coal industry, and harass property owners.

AEA and number of other conservative groups sent a letter to state legislators, utility operators and others last week, urging them to “fiercely resist” the administration’s rules on carbon pollution from existing power plants at every turn.

The EPA proposal requires the nation’s fleet of existing power plants to cut carbon dioxide emissions 30 percent by 2030 from 2005 levels.

The administration contends the regulation would prevent thousands of respiratory illnesses and asthma attacks in children. Officials also argue it will ultimately lower electricity prices for consumers.