Energy & Environment

Democrats ask Trump regulatory affairs pick to address concerns raised by advisory board

A group of seven Democratic senators wrote Thursday to President Trump’s pick to lead the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), asking him to reject certain proposed environmental rules unless concerns brought up by a science board are addressed. 

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Science Advisory Board (SAB) last month condemned the agency in draft reports, saying it ignored research and the board’s advice on the rules. 

“In light of these troubling SAB reports, request that you specifically commit to ensuring … you will not approve the finalization or re-proposal of these rules unless the following excepted concerns raised by the SAB…are fully and appropriately addressed,” wrote the Democratic senators to Paul Ray, who the Senate confirmed Thursday as OIRA administrator. 

“Since the EPA’s Administrator appears inclined to ignore EPA’s own scientific advisors, we therefore request that you commit to ensure that OIRA requires the agency to incorporate SAB’s findings and recommendations,” they added. 

The SAB criticized several proposals last month. For example, it found that the controversial changes to the Waters of the United States rule “decreases protection for our nation’s waters and does not support the objective of restoring and maintaining ‘the chemical, physical and biological integrity’ of these waters.’”

The EPA stressed at the time that the SAB reports were drafts.

“EPA always appreciates and respects the work and advice of the SAB,” an official said at the time. “The final commentary and reports will be developed soon after the public meeting and then sent to the administrator.” 

The Hill has reached out to the agency for additional comment. 

The Senate voted 50-44 along party lines to confirm Ray to the position on Thursday.