Energy & Environment

Galapagos volcano erupts, spewing ash over Pacific

A volcano on the Galapagos Islands erupted on Friday, spewing ash and lava into the Pacific Ocean. 

Wolf Volcano, the tallest volcano on the islands, erupted for the first time since 2015, but is not currently a threat to humans or native species, NPR reported.

The eruption caused a cloud of ash to rise 12,444 feet above sea level with eight people, including scientists and national park guards, evacuated, according to the Environment Ministry.

Ecuador’s Emergency Operations Committee is monitoring the eruption on Isabela Island to track where the lava is flowing, according to the outlet. 

The committee currently said the volcano is not a threat because the lava is not flowing to areas where people live.

Wolf Volcano is one of a few volcanoes that are active on the Galapagos Islands.