
Some MAGA hats made in China may increase in price because of tariffs

A California-based company that sells “Make America Great Again” hats similar to the official hats sold by the Trump campaign says its prices may rise in response to trade tensions with China prompted by President Trump’s tariffs.

David Lassoff, who runs the company IncredibleGifts, told ABC News that prices of the hat could double from between $9 and $12 to at least $20 if he is forced to abandon his Chinese manufacturers and make the hats in the United States.

The hat, Lassoff said, is his website’s best-selling item. He claims to have sold hundreds of thousands of the hat. 


“We usually sell the MAGA hats for around $9 to $12. But it could go up to $20 if we had to make them in the U.S. and embroider them here,” Lassoff said.

“There might be a limited quantity [of hats] in the future. We’re trying to make sure we have enough hats in stock now, so if things change, we’re prepared,” he added.

Lassoff’s company is not involved with the official Trump campaign “Make America Great Again” hat, which, according to the campaign store’s website, is manufactured entirely in the U.S.

Trump has battled China in recent months over trade issues, most recently announcing a potential $200 billion sanctions package targeting the country over what he says are unfair trade practices.

The package’s size is roughly equal to China’s total exports to the United States, according to White House officials.

China has responded to Trump’s previous trade actions with reciprocal measures, including tariffs targeting soybeans, grains and other exports that affect a number of states that supported Trump in the 2016 election.