
Manufacturing trade group condemns GOP push to overturn Biden victory

The largest trade group for U.S. manufacturers is criticizing a Republican effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and urging lawmakers to focus on fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

In a Monday statement, National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President and CEO Jay Timmons urged lawmakers to “uphold their constitutional responsibility” and vote to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory when Congress convenes Wednesday to count the votes of the Electoral College.

“Election officials in both parties, as well as state and federal courts in more than 60 cases, have determined that the outcome is not in doubt. Joe Biden is our next President, and Congress must heed the voice of the American people,” Timmons said. 

“In every election, many Americans are disappointed by the results. But disappointment does not justify harming our democracy or undermining faith in our elections based on unproven charges and conspiracy theories,” he added.

NAM is the latest Washington, D.C., player to condemn a push from dozens of GOP lawmakers to block the finalization of Biden’s victory based on unproven allegations of voter fraud that have been promoted by President Trump and scores of his Republican allies. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest trade group for American businesses, also spoke out against the effort Monday.

At least 12 Republican senators and more than 100 House Republicans are expected to object to the certification of Biden’s victory despite a lack of evidence to support their claims of widespread voter fraud. 

The unprecedented push to overturn the results of the election with the support of the losing candidate is certain to fail, with all congressional Democrats and a sufficient number of Republicans opposed to the effort.

Even so, NAM has joined a chorus of lawmakers, trade groups and other political figures that have warned about the dangerous implications of the push to override the will of voters. 

“Throughout this pandemic, America’s manufacturing workers have heroically stepped up to ensure that our country has the supplies, food, vaccines, medicines and equipment we need,” Timmons said. 

“Our industry has been fighting to protect our country, and now we ask Congress to join us in healing our nation, instead of fostering more division and vitriol,” he added.