Health reform implementation

OFA to launch ‘drumbeat campaign’ on ObamaCare

The nonprofit group born from President Obama’s re-election effort is launching a new “drumbeat campaign” designed to encourage health care enrollment before the end of the year.

The new digital effort is designed to encourage uninsured consumers to purchase insurance through graphics and countdown clocks noting looming deadlines for health coverage.

{mosads}Over the next three weeks, for instance, OFA graphics will urge individuals to “apply, shop, buy” by Dec. 23 in order to secure coverage by Jan. 1.

“The campaign will create urgency leading into each month’s deadline and include a daily countdown clock, a calendar, share graphics, infographics, all promoted on social media and email,” OFA said in a press release.

The group did not say where they would place the virtual ads, or how much money the plan to spend on the campaign.

But the announcement was more evidence that the president and his allies are ramping up for an ObamaCare blitz ahead of the year-end deadline.

Obama is slated to speak Tuesday afternoon at an event designed to kick off a coordinated campaign between the White House, lawmakers, and liberal groups urging individuals to shop for insurance. 

The speech, according to a White House official, is intended to “focus attention back on the core principles of reform that have been lost in the attention on the website.”

The Democratic National Committee has launched a virtual effort of its own, with a new website hitting Republicans over their efforts to repeal the law.