Health reform implementation

Poll: Obama hits new low on healthcare

A strong majority disapproves of President Obama’s handling of healthcare, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released on Tuesday.

{mosads}According to the survey, 60 percent disapprove of how the president has handled the issue, against only 36 who approve.

That’s down from last month, when 52 percent said they disapproved and 43 percent said they approved. It’s also the worst margin for the president since Quinnipiac began polling the question.

Obama topped out at 46 positive and 42 negative on healthcare in July of 2009.

In addition, the healthcare law seems to have dragged down president’s trustworthiness in the eyes of voters.

By a margin of 52 to 44, voters say Obama is not honest and trustworthy. Those numbers were flipped 54 to 41 in Obama’s favor as recently as October.

The White House has struggled to defend Obama’s 2009 claim that people could keep their old health insurance under ObamaCare as thousands of people received notifications that their insurance companies were dropping their plans.

Earlier this year, in an effort to quell the bipartisan outcry that the healthcare law didn’t comply with the president’s promise, the administration proposed an executive action to allow people to keep their existing coverage, even if the policies don’t meet the minimum standards under ObamaCare.

The Quinnipiac University survey of 2,692 registered voters was conducted between Dec. 3 and Dec. 9 and has a 1.9 percentage point margin of error.