Health Care

Conway: Trump would sign Graham-Cassidy ObamaCare repeal bill

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway said Wednesday that President Trump would sign an ObamaCare repeal plan from GOP Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.) if Congress passed it.

“The president’s ready, he’s ready with pen in hand to sign health-care reform if, say, Graham-Cassidy moves forward. A lot of the governors seem to be supportive of that, people have been working on that very strongly over the recess,” Conway said on “America’s Newsroom” on Fox News.

Trump has continued to press for legislation repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, but the Senate’s Republican leadership has moved away from the effort after the chamber failed to pass a scaled-down version of a repeal bill in late July. Three GOP senators joined all Democrats and Independents in opposing the measure.


Cassidy and Graham have been pitching their version of a repeal bill, which would redirect money for ObamaCare and block-grant the funds to states. They’ve attended meetings on their plan at the White House after the “skinny” repeal bill failed on the Senate floor.

Sen. Dean Heller (Nev.), one of the most vulnerable Senate Republicans up for reelection in 2018, has also signed onto the plan.

However, Congress has a lot to do in September, and the Senate parliamentarian ruled last week that reconciliation, the fast-track budget vehicle Republicans were using to repeal ObamaCare, expires at the end of the month.

Conway also said that, in addition to must-pass bills to raise the debt ceiling and fund the government, lawmakers should also make time for tax reform.

“It should get done this year,” Conway responded.