Public/Global Health

DC bars and restaurants switch to carry-out only

Washington, D.C., officials took further steps on Monday to prevent the spread of coronavirus, including banning in-store service at restaurants and bars throughout the nation’s capital.

At a press conference Monday afternoon, Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) announced that restaurants and bars in the District would cease serving customers apart from carry-out or delivery services, WTOP reported.

Gyms and movie theaters will also temporarily close, the mayor announced. Her directive echoes similar orders implemented by officials in Massachusetts and New York, as health experts warn that the global coronavirus outbreak could worsen in the U.S. in upcoming days.

“You may not dine in or visit the bar at those establishments,” Bowser said, according to The Washington Post.

Her order also follows that of Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R), who has also ordered the closure of bars, restaurants and gyms in the state, with similar provisions for carry-out and delivery services. Maryland’s casinos have also shuttered by order of the governor.

Several thousand confirmed COVID-19 cases have been reported in the U.S., including a few dozen in Washington, D.C. In Italy, the European country where the outbreak is currently hitting hardest, officials are reporting thousands of new cases per day.

The disease has now infected more than 179,000 worldwide, with thousands of deaths reported and hospitals in the U.S. struggling to provide adequate testing for the virus.