
Containing ISIS is no solution, Ayotte says

Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) on Sunday warned of the threat from the militant Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), saying a “containment strategy is not going to cut it.”

Speaking on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” the Republican senator said James Foley’s murder last week “really brought home this threat.”

Ayotte called for an expansion of airstrikes against ISIS and increased support for Kurdish and Iraqi forces. Officials should also look at supporting moderate opposition groups in Syria, she said.

“We need an Iraqi government that’s inclusive,” she said. “We also need Muslim leaders to condemn ISIS, to say ISIS has to go.”

Ayotte also said lawmakers need to examine the defense budget, saying there’s a “disconnect” between sequester funding and threats around the world.

Ayotte said she would not “begrudge” the president for taking time for a vacation, but added that she thinks “there was a perception of disconnect.”

“What I want from him is a strategy to defeat ISIS,” she added.

“He needs to lead this. “