
Tokyo Olympics organizer won’t rule out last-minute cancellation

The head of the organizing committee for the Tokyo Olympics said the committee has not ruled out a last-minute cancellation of the games as coronavirus cases continue to rise in Japan.

“We can’t predict what will happen with the number of coronavirus cases. So we will continue discussions if there is a spike in cases,” Toshiro Muto said on Tuesday, Reuters reported.

“We have agreed that based on the coronavirus situation, we will convene five-party talks again. At this point, the coronavirus cases may rise or fall, so we will think about what we should do when the situation arises,” he added.

Tokyo is under another state of emergency due to the rise in coronavirus infections that is occurring in the region.

The Summer Games, set to begin Friday, have fallen under much scrutiny by Japanese citizens and medical professionals who are concerned the Games will accelerate the coronavirus situation in the city.

Dozens of athletes and staff have already been infected with the virus as some early events have taken place.

The committee has already decided not to have spectators in order to minimize the risk, but some say that doesn’t go far enough.

The Olympics were already canceled last year due to the virus, and the committee has so far rejected all calls to cancel the games this year.