
Ukrainians trapped by Russian forces unable to receive aid

Ukrainians trapped by Russian forces in the country are facing a humanitarian crisis after international aid has been unsuccessful at making it through Russian attacks.

Information gathered by a group of Ukrainian journalists, dubbed the Ukrainian Volunteer Journalists Initiative, found Russian forces that have captured Ukrainian cities are not letting the trapped citizens receive the supplies they need.

The Russians are blocking humanitarian corridors despite agreements between the two nations to create pathways for aid to safely make it into the country, the group said.

Dmytro Kuleba, minister of foreign affairs in Ukraine, tweeted on Tuesday that people in the city of Mariupol are being held captive under Russians who have not allowed humanitarian aid to enter the area. The lack of aid has lead to the death of a child, he said.   

Russia holds 300k civilians hostage in Mariupol, prevents humanitarian evacuation despite agreements with ICRC mediation,” Kuleba said, referring to the International Committee of the Red Cross. 

“One child died of dehydration (!) yesterday! War crimes are part of Russia’s deliberate strategy. I urge all states to publicly demand: RUSSIA, LET PEOPLE GO!” he added.

The former mayor of Irpen previously said that Russians have been shooting at the vehicles of humanitarian groups such as the Red Cross while they attempt to administer aid. 

“Irpen, and its surroundings villages, are seeing an absolute humanitarian disaster. Russian soldiers occupied Vorzel, Hostomel, Zabucha and the Mylhailivka-Rubezhivka and won’t let residents leave their own homes,” the mayor wrote.

The Ukrainian journalist group said the country needs “alternative” methods of getting humanitarian aid, such as a new version of the Berlin Airlift of 1948-49, when Western allies dropped supplies to civilians from aircraft flying over Soviet-occupied Berlin. 

The U.S. has confirmed Russia is going after vulnerable citizens by targeting schools and hospitals during the war.