
Pelosi on ‘disturbing situation’ in Hong Kong: ‘The world is watching’

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday condemned a series of arrests in Hong Kong since the passage of a Chinese national security law that critics say has eroded the city’s autonomy.

“Beijing’s rapid escalation of its assault against Hong Kong under the guise of its so-called ‘national security framework’ is extremely concerning and leaves no doubt that China’s ultimate intent is to destroy Hong Kong’s political and economic freedoms,” Pelosi said in a statement. “These actions signal the darkest weeks yet in Beijing’s campaign of suppression, intimidation and cruelty against Hong Kong.”

“The United States Congress has always spoken with one voice, bipartisan and bicameral, in defense of those oppressed by Beijing and in support of freedom, justice and real autonomy for the people of Hong Kong,” she added. “We urge the Trump Administration to continue to work to hold Chinese officials accountable for their abuses and to defend freedom and the rule of law in Hong Kong. The Congress is closely monitoring this disturbing situation. Indeed, the world is watching.”

Earlier this week, Hong Kong police arrested media magnate Jimmy Lai. A senior executive at his company said Lai had been arrested for “collusion with foreign powers.” Although Lai’s media outlets backed the protests that swept Hong Kong last year, he himself has not played a major role in pro-democracy efforts for years.

On Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joined his Canadian, British, New Zealand and Australian counterparts in a joint statement condemning the “erosion of rights” in the city as well as the delay of September elections.

“Beijing promised autonomy and freedoms under the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ principle to the Hong Kong people in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a U.N.-registered treaty, and must honor its commitments,” the diplomats wrote, referencing the 1997 agreement in which the British relinquished control of the territory. “We urge the Hong Kong government to hold the elections as soon as possible.”