
India breaks record for daily coronavirus cases for third time this week

India has set a new record for daily coronavirus cases for the third time in a week, according to multiple reports.

The record comes as India deals with a surge in coronavirus infections that is taking a toll on its health care system and leading to shortages of oxygen in hospitals. 

Experts have blamed the surge on relaxed coronavirus rules that allowed many people to gather in large crowds without masks.

The nation recorded 414,188 new cases in a 24-hour period, CNBC reported, citing data from the Indian health ministry released Friday. At last 3,915 people also died.

This tops the 412,262 new cases that India officially recorded on Thursday, according to The Associated Press.

India first recorded over 400,000 daily cases last Saturday, making it the first country in the world to record that number of cases in a day.

India has recorded over 21.4 million coronavirus infections since the pandemic began, according to Johns Hopkins University and over 234,000 deaths. However, experts have warned that the official numbers are likely an undercount.

The Associated Press reported that demand for oxygen in India skyrocketed 700 percent since April, particularly going up among hospitals.

Several countries, including the U.S. and Australia, have restricted travel from India. The U.S. is also sending oxygen supplies, coronavirus tests and vaccine materials to the hard-hit country.