
Apple critics join challenge to App Store practices

A group of tech companies that have been critical of Apple’s App Store practices formed a coalition aiming to “create a level playing field for app businesses and give people freedom of choice on their devices.”

The newly created nonprofit organization Coalition for App Fairness includes Spotify Technology SA, Match Group and “Fortnite” creator Epic Games. 

Though larger companies in the coalition already have legally challenged Apple over its App Store policies, the coalition says it welcomes “companies of any size, in any industry who are committed to protecting consumer choice, fostering competition, and creating a level playing field for all app and game developers globally.”

“We are joining the Coalition for App Fairness to defend the fundamental rights of creators to build apps and to do business directly with their customers,” Tim Sweeney, CEO and founder of Epic Games, said in a statement.

The group cited Apple’s up to 30 percent commission for apps that use its in-app payment system and the lack of any other competitive options for app distribution on iOS. They also claim that Apple uses its control of iOS to promote its own services. 

The group, which is based in Washington, D.C., and Brussels, says it “will advocate for enforcement and reforms, including legal and regulatory changes” on app-distributing platforms.

Apple CEO Tim Cook was one of four big tech CEOs who testified before members of Congress this summer as part of an investigation looking into their market size and power.

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.