The Hill-ANGA Poll Week 1

District by district – New Mexico

New Mexico-2

Rep. Harry Teague (D) vs. Steve Pearce (R)

trails Pearce, a former member of the House, by a mere four points,
according to The Hill/ANGA poll. Teague received 42 percent to Pearce’s
46, with 10 percent of voters remaining undecided.

problem is his base. Pearce is peeling away 16 percent of Democrats.
But Teague is winning independents 43 percent to 41. Only 86 percent of
likely Democratic voters are committed to turning out on Election Day,
while 97 percent of likely GOP voters said they would be at the polls.

path to victory for Teague could be to tap into undecided voters — 39
percent are Democrats and 21 percent are independents. To do that,
he’ll have to overcome a traditional skepticism about one-party control
that is causing some undecided voters to say they prefer a divided

Pearce is trying to reclaim his old seat. He
was first elected in this district in 2002 but, in 2008, ran for the
Senate and lost in the general election.

The poll was
conducted Sept. 28-30, consisted of 401 phone interviews among likely
voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percent.

The Hill/ANGA 2010 Midterm
Election Poll Stories

About the poll

GOP leads widely, Dems in danger but races tight

Feelings about Obama make midterms a national election

Independents prefer divided government, lean Republican

Distaste for healthcare law crosses party lines

Editorial: Knowing who will win

District by
district results

New Mexico