Pending Regs

New regs for Friday: Truck insurance, sharks and used car sales

Thursday’s edition of the Federal Register contains new rules for liability insurance coverage for truck and bus companies, fishing for hammerhead sharks and used car sales.

Here’s what is happening:

Trucks and Buses: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is considering raising the minimum levels of liability insurance coverage trucking and bus companies have to carry for bodily injury or property damage.

For-hire interstate freight carriers now have to carry a minimum of $750,000 in liability coverage.

The public has 90 days to comment.

Sharks: The National Marine Fisheries Services has issued a temporary rule, closing commercial shark fisheries in the Atlantic region for the rest of the fishing season.

Large coastal sharks and hammerhead shark fishermen have reached 80 percent the 2014 fishing season’s commercial quota. The no fishing rule begins Nov. 30 and runs through the rest of the fishing season, which ends Dec. 31.

Ceiling fans: The Department of Energy is giving the public more time to comment on whether the agency should set energy conservation standards for ceiling fans.

The comment period has been extended to Dec. 9.

Gas compressors: The Department of Energy is also considering setting energy efficiency standards for commercial and industrial gas compressors.

The agency has only considered standards for air compressors in the past. To get a better understanding of both technologies, there will be public meeting on Dec. 17.

The public has 45 days to comment.

Used car sales: The Federal Trade Commission is considering a rule that would require used car dealers to list on the Buyers Guide whether they’ve obtained a vehicle history report and to provide copies to customers who request them.

The rule would also revise the Buyers Guide to define an “as is” sale as a sale without a warranty.

The public has until Jan. 30 to comment.