Video Biden delivers remarks on veteran health care under PACT Act : Watch live Video / 7 months ago by The Hill Staff 05/21/24 12:00 PM ET
National Security You can’t call yourself pro-military while voting against vets’ health care needs National Security / 2 years ago by Jim Jones, Opinion Contributor 08/08/22 10:00 AM ET
National Security Congress must make it easy for America’s veterans to file VA claims National Security / 3 years ago by Don Loren, Opinion Contributor 04/22/22 7:00 AM ET
Healthcare VA benefits reform — Congress is trapped in a hamster wheel Healthcare / 4 years ago by Rory E. Riley-Topping, opinion contributor 06/01/21 3:00 PM ET
Civil Rights Vets and toxic exposure — follow the money Civil Rights / 4 years ago by Rory E. Riley-Topping, opinion contributor 05/13/21 1:00 PM ET
National Security Congress must address the toxic exposure our veterans have endured National Security / 4 years ago by Tom Jurkowsky, opinion contributor 04/07/21 11:00 AM ET
National Security Burn pits, battlefield toxins, disabled troops and the fight for data National Security / 6 years ago by Jeffrey E. Phillips, opinion contributor 08/13/18 11:00 AM ET
Healthcare Agent Orange — a humanitarian concern we can do something about Healthcare / 7 years ago by Charles R. Bailey, opinion contributor 02/24/18 12:00 PM ET
Healthcare The real VA scandal: No will to help veterans Healthcare / 7 years ago by Steve Cohen, opinion contributor 02/20/18 1:00 PM ET
Healthcare Military toxins are becoming more harmful to our veterans Healthcare / 7 years ago by Rory E. Riley-Topping, opinoin contributor 12/08/17 8:20 AM ET
Healthcare VA canine research helps foreign-based special interests, not US disabled veterans Healthcare / 7 years ago by Benjamin Krause, opinion contributor 10/18/17 6:20 PM ET
Healthcare VA leaving navy veterans adrift in sea of Agent Orange Healthcare / 8 years ago by John B. Wells, opinion contributor 01/22/17 4:00 PM ET
Defense Senators press VA on Agent Orange benefits Defense / 9 years ago by Rebecca Kheel 09/29/15 2:04 PM ET
Defense Veterans group hits McConnell in new ad Defense / 10 years ago by Martin Matishak 09/02/14 11:49 AM ET
Senate Senate bill aims to help veterans exposed to Agent Orange Senate / 11 years ago by Ramsey Cox 12/27/13 4:32 PM ET