International A year of war in Ukraine has created a haunted generation International / 2 years ago by Earle Mack, opinion contributor 03/15/23 5:00 PM ET
Health Care Children as young as 8 should be screened for anxiety: US task force Health Care / 3 years ago by Natalie Prieb 04/12/22 5:33 PM ET
Healthcare America’s kids are not all right — we need urgent action to save young lives Healthcare / 3 years ago by Robert A. Hummer, opinion contributor 04/02/22 3:00 PM ET
Mental Health Surgeon general warns of mental health challenges confronting youth Mental Health / 3 years ago by Monique Beals 12/07/21 9:22 AM ET
Education Our children are facing a mental health crisis — we can and must address it today Education / 3 years ago by Shai Fuxman, opinion contributor 10/29/21 1:31 PM ET
Mental Health Pediatric groups declare national emergency over children’s mental health Mental Health / 3 years ago by Natalie Prieb 10/19/21 4:22 PM ET
Education Plummeting test scores are a symptom; remote instruction is the disease Education / 4 years ago by Nat Malkus, opinion contributor 07/23/21 11:00 AM ET
Health Care Focusing on children’s mental health Health Care / 4 years ago by Justine Coleman 06/15/21 6:00 AM ET
Healthcare The COVID-19 crisis may soon be over, but the youth mental health crisis is only just beginning Healthcare / 4 years ago by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), opinion contributor 05/20/21 5:00 PM ET
Health Care Study: Children seeking mental health care likely to stay in ER longer than a decade earlier Health Care / 4 years ago by Justine Coleman 04/05/21 11:12 AM ET
Education The epidemic behind the mask: COVID-related education inequities Education / 4 years ago by Christy Tirrell-Corbin, Carlomagno Panlilio and J. Bart Klika, opinion contributors 02/19/21 1:00 PM ET
State Watch Las Vegas-area district moves to partially reopen schools amid surge in student suicides State Watch / 4 years ago by Joseph Choi 01/24/21 4:24 PM ET
Healthcare The Biden coronavirus task force has a mental health problem Healthcare / 4 years ago by Jack Turban and Jessica Gold, opinion contributors 11/25/20 10:30 AM ET