Healthcare To safeguard public health, let science guide marijuana legalization Healthcare / 4 years ago by Dr. Mitchell S. Rosenthal, opinion contributor 05/05/21 11:31 AM ET
Senate Senate Democrats say consideration of cannabis reforms will be a priority Senate / 4 years ago by Joseph Choi 02/01/21 4:55 PM ET
Civil Rights Next attorney general must embrace marijuana law reforms Civil Rights / 4 years ago by Erik Altieri and Paul Armentano, opinion contributors 11/13/20 4:00 PM ET
Campaign This election, Americans will once again show their support for marijuana legalization Campaign / 4 years ago by Paul Armentano, opinion contributor 10/21/20 4:30 PM ET
Business Marijuana stocks see boost after Harris debate comments Business / 4 years ago by Sarah Polus 10/09/20 9:10 AM ET
Healthcare Regulating marijuana sales does not lead to rising youth substance abuse Healthcare / 4 years ago by Paul Armentano, opinion contributor 09/02/20 5:00 PM ET
House House to vote on removing cannabis from list of controlled substances House / 4 years ago by Tal Axelrod 08/28/20 9:10 PM ET
Civil Rights The feds should not spend taxpayer dollars in states that have legalized weed Civil Rights / 5 years ago by Justin Strekal, opinion contributor 07/21/20 8:30 AM ET
Civil Rights State-level marijuana decriminalization is not enough Civil Rights / 5 years ago by Paul Armentano, opinion contributor 07/18/20 7:00 AM ET
Business Senate chairman announces opposition to cannabis banking bill Business / 5 years ago by Sylvan Lane 12/18/19 5:25 PM ET
Healthcare The surgeon general is right about marijuana and its risks Healthcare / 5 years ago by Dr. Elinore McCance Katz, Patricia Santora and Thomas Clarke, opinion contributors 10/08/19 9:00 AM ET
Healthcare Here’s what the Surgeon General gets wrong about marijuana Healthcare / 5 years ago by Paul Armentano, opinion contributor 09/02/19 7:00 PM ET
Campaign How Trump could take pot legalization away from Dems in 2020 Campaign / 6 years ago by Robert K. Wasinger, opinion contributor 04/09/19 11:00 AM ET
Healthcare Marijuana has economic benefits, but public health risks are undecided Healthcare / 6 years ago by Dr. Jonathan Fielding, opinion contributor 11/07/18 7:00 AM ET
International Canada: The land of the free, home of legal weed International / 6 years ago by Stephen T. Easton, opinion contributor 10/17/18 2:00 PM ET
Criminal Justice The looming border clash over Canadian marijuana Criminal Justice / 6 years ago by Nate Bruggeman, opinion contributor 10/02/18 4:00 PM ET