Opinion To repair our fiscal foundation, we need to bend the health care cost curve Opinion / 4 months ago by Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas), opinion contributor 08/15/24 1:30 PM ET
Finance ‘Just put it on the tab’ — Not your father’s bipartisanship Finance / 2 years ago by Marc Joffe, opinion contributor 07/21/22 9:30 AM ET
Finance Inflation report makes Congress’s economic plan even more necessary Finance / 2 years ago by David Super, opinion contributor 07/18/22 11:30 AM ET
Finance Congress must act fast to pass bill on deficits and inflation Finance / 3 years ago by Thomas Kahn, opinion contributor 06/20/22 8:30 AM ET
Campaign Manchin’s energy and deficit-reduction bill can fight inflation — and Russia Campaign / 3 years ago by Paul Bledsoe and Ben Ritz, opinion contributors 03/11/22 11:00 AM ET
Finance Federal debt is unpopular until you get elected Finance / 3 years ago by James M. Hohman, opinion contributor 03/05/22 7:00 AM ET
Campaign How conservatives in California — and nationally — could turn America around Campaign / 5 years ago by Lewis K. Uhler and Peter J. Ferrara, opinion contributors 06/25/19 3:00 PM ET
Finance Judd Gregg: With the midterms over, opportunity knocks Finance / 6 years ago by Judd Gregg, opinion contributor 11/12/18 6:00 AM ET
Economy & Budget As the deficit grows, don’t expect a solution from Congress anytime soon Economy & Budget / 6 years ago by Ryan Alexander, Opinion Contributor 10/24/18 2:10 PM ET
Judd Gregg Judd Gregg: A Republican congressional legacy Judd Gregg / 9 years ago by Judd Gregg 10/05/15 6:00 AM ET
Business Budget deficit higher in October than a year ago Business / 10 years ago by Vicki Needham 11/13/14 4:25 PM ET
Business Sessions wants balanced budget within 10 years Business / 10 years ago by Vicki Needham 08/18/14 4:14 PM ET