Campaign Look to 14th Amendment to check GOP efforts to subvert popular vote Campaign / 3 years ago by Mark Bohnhorst and Aviam Soifer, opinion contributors 12/19/21 12:00 PM ET
Campaign Without change, a plan for a national popular vote could undermine the presidency Campaign / 4 years ago by Andy Schatz, opinion contributor 03/16/21 3:01 PM ET
Campaign The fight begins over first primary of 2024 presidential contest Campaign / 4 years ago by B.J. Rudell, opinion contributor 12/30/20 10:00 AM ET
Campaign Facts support national popular vote Campaign / 5 years ago by Matt Mackowiak, Opinion Contributor 09/08/19 2:00 PM ET
Judiciary Electoral reform should not further entrench the political parties Judiciary / 5 years ago by Jeremy Gruber and Harry Kresky, opinion contributors 07/10/19 3:00 PM ET
Campaign Electoral College reform is needed, but not leading up to an election Campaign / 6 years ago by Douglas E. Schoen, opinion contributor 03/31/19 11:00 AM ET
Campaign How to end the Electoral College and elect our next president by popular vote Campaign / 6 years ago by Richard Greene, opinion contributor 03/22/19 11:30 AM ET
Campaign Maine’s 2nd District outcome proves value of ranked choice voting Campaign / 6 years ago by David Daley, opinion contributor 11/30/18 8:00 AM ET
Campaign One reform would have kept Alaska’s governor from quitting the race Campaign / 6 years ago by David Daley, opinion contributor 10/30/18 8:00 AM ET
Campaign Don’t believe the myths about a national popular vote Campaign / 7 years ago by Saul Anuzis, opinion contributor 05/08/18 3:00 PM ET
Campaign Without ranked voting, Pennsylvania’s slim margins hide voters’ preferences Campaign / 7 years ago by David Daley, opinion contributor 03/19/18 7:00 AM ET
Campaign Why lawmakers are still shutting out black voters in North Carolina Campaign / 8 years ago by Thomas Wolf, opinion contributor 06/09/17 5:00 PM ET
Presidential Campaign Less democracy is better democracy — Here’s why Presidential Campaign / 8 years ago by Mark Rush 05/17/17 6:20 PM ET