National Security Speaker Johnson’s hypocritical First and Second Amendment contradictions National Security / 1 year ago by John E. Jones III, opinion contributor 11/01/23 8:30 AM ET
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Judiciary Conservative Supreme Court could reverse decades of First Amendment law Judiciary / 6 years ago by Elliot Mincberg, opinion contributor 01/01/19 2:00 PM ET
Judiciary Cross case offers Supreme Court chance to clarify religious expression Judiciary / 6 years ago by Kristen Waggoner, opinion contributor 12/26/18 5:00 PM ET
Civil Rights Josh Hawley will defend the First Amendment and religious liberty Civil Rights / 6 years ago by Ashley McGuire, opinion contributor 11/17/18 6:00 PM ET
Civil Rights US attorney manual update signals hope for religious liberty Civil Rights / 7 years ago by Hiram S. Sasser, III, opinion contributor 02/21/18 11:30 AM ET
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Politics SCOTUS Ruling in FFRF v. Hine Places Politics and Religion Above Constitution Politics / 18 years ago by Roy Speckhardt, Executive Director of the American Humanist Association 06/27/07 12:08 PM ET