Criminal Justice Jussie Smollett’s final act: How a hate crime hoax became a pitch for jury nullification Criminal Justice / 3 years ago by Jonathan Turley, opinion contributor 12/08/21 10:15 AM ET
Judiciary Second-guessing jury verdicts undermines confidence in the democratic system Judiciary / 3 years ago by James L. Huffman, opinion contributor 11/28/21 9:00 AM ET
In The Know Federal judge approves R. Kelly move to New York for sex-trafficking trial In The Know / 4 years ago by Sarah Polus 04/15/21 4:50 PM ET
Judiciary It’s time to build a pandemic-proof, juror-friendly trial Judiciary / 5 years ago by Anna Offit, opinion contributor 05/15/20 7:30 PM ET
The Administration OPINION | Sorry, Mr. Dershowitz, Mueller’s grand jury is not about race or politics The Administration / 7 years ago by Renato Mariotti 08/08/17 6:40 PM ET
Crime Judicial override in death penalty sets dangerous precedent Crime / 8 years ago by Valerie P. Hans, opinion contributor 03/06/17 12:40 PM ET
Court Battles Supreme Court: Judges can recall dismissed jury Court Battles / 9 years ago by Lydia Wheeler 06/09/16 11:17 AM ET
Court Battles Supreme Court: Blacks were unconstitutionally excluded from Ga. jury Court Battles / 9 years ago by Lydia Wheeler 05/23/16 12:54 PM ET
Regulation Federal courts: Beware of juror scams Regulation / 10 years ago by Lydia Wheeler 01/16/15 12:34 PM ET
Presidential Campaign The Jury’s In Presidential Campaign / 16 years ago by Ronald Goldfarb 11/05/08 2:24 PM ET
News/Campaigns Dismissed Stevens Juror Called to Court News/Campaigns / 16 years ago by Hill Staff 10/31/08 10:59 AM ET