Healthcare Is Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law affecting disabled COVID-19 patients? Healthcare / 4 years ago by Merrill Matthews, Opinion Contributor 12/25/20 9:00 AM ET
Healthcare How hospitals will decide who lives and who dies in the COVID-19 crisis Healthcare / 5 years ago by Robert Klitzman, opinion contributor 03/29/20 11:00 AM ET
Politics Congress: Support bipartisan legislative solutions during National Hospice and Palliative Care Month Politics / 5 years ago by Edo Banach, Opinion Contributor 11/27/19 2:30 PM ET
Healthcare Congress: Support access to palliative care for aging Americans Healthcare / 6 years ago by Edo Banach, Opinion Contributor 07/23/18 1:20 PM ET
State Watch Hawaii becomes sixth state to legalize assisted suicide State Watch / 7 years ago by Reid Wilson 04/06/18 12:14 PM ET
Healthcare Medical aid in dying: A hallmark of patient-centered care Healthcare / 8 years ago by Barbara Coombs Lee and Kim Callinan, contributors 11/22/16 4:46 PM ET
Healthcare Myths and misconceptions about end-of-life care and laws Healthcare / 9 years ago by Tara Sonenshine, contributor, and Patrice Feinstein 04/20/16 7:30 AM ET
Politics Provide Comprehensive Care For Cancer Patients And Survivors Politics / 19 years ago by Calif. Dem. Rep. Lois Capps 06/08/06 8:59 AM ET