Finance IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most Finance / 3 years ago by Justin Haskins, Opinion Contributor 12/04/21 8:00 AM ET
Finance Lawmakers can’t reconcile weakening the SALT cap with progressive goals Finance / 3 years ago by Brendan McDermott, Opinion Contributor 07/28/21 2:00 PM ET
Politics Why Biden’s proposed marginal tax rate increase isn’t enough Politics / 4 years ago by Dale Walker, opinion contributor 06/23/21 2:30 PM ET
Energy and Environment Economists: A US carbon tax would be progressive Energy and Environment / 4 years ago by Gilbert E. Metcalf and Lawrence Goulder, opinion contributors 04/28/21 1:30 PM ET
Finance Biden’s tax plan would undermine the coronavirus recovery Finance / 4 years ago by Christos A. Makridis and Jonathan P. Nauert, Opinion Contributors 08/11/20 8:30 AM ET
Finance Restart federal revenue sharing to address COVID-19 Finance / 5 years ago by Evan A. Davis, opinion contributor 05/19/20 10:00 AM ET
Finance Innovative options for raising revenue Finance / 5 years ago by Kriston McIntosh, Ryan Nunn and Jay Shambaugh, Opinion Contributors 02/01/20 1:00 PM ET
Finance ‘Tax-the-rich’ policies are all the rage in the US Finance / 6 years ago by Vanessa Williamson, opinion contributor 02/17/19 9:30 AM ET
Finance Nordic lessons on AOC’s 70 percent tax proposal Finance / 6 years ago by Pasi Kuoppamäki, opinion contributor 01/11/19 3:00 PM ET
Economy & Budget Many of Trump’s policies will further intensify income inequality Economy & Budget / 8 years ago by Charles Ballard, opinion contributor 02/10/17 2:00 PM ET
Economy & Budget Taxing the Rich is a Free Ride for Middle-Class Taxpayers Economy & Budget / 16 years ago by Armstrong Williams 10/07/08 11:52 AM ET