Technology Finding a Dyson sphere could be our first contact with alien life Technology / 7 months ago by Mark R. Whittington, opinion contributor 06/02/24 9:30 AM ET
Technology NASA’s UFO study: Identifying the unknown lies in better quality data Technology / 2 years ago by Avi Loeb, opinion contributor 10/25/22 5:30 PM ET
Technology How we search for intelligent life in the cosmos matters Technology / 2 years ago by Avi Loeb, opinion contributor 10/21/22 7:30 PM ET
Technology Intelligent life in the universe may be extremely rare — we should look for it anyway Technology / 2 years ago by Avi Loeb, opinion contributor 08/08/22 6:00 PM ET
News Scientists searching for aliens tracking ‘unusual’ radio wave from sun’s closest star News / 4 years ago by Celine Castronuovo 12/18/20 2:12 PM ET
Energy and Environment In 2017, a big year for science, we learned from cosmic discoveries Energy and Environment / 7 years ago by Michael S. Turner, opinion contributor 01/09/18 3:00 PM ET
Technology Resurgence of UFO stories in 2017 reflects growing American anxieties Technology / 7 years ago by Richard Aquila, opinion contributor 12/28/17 12:00 PM ET