Education As antisemitism spikes on campuses, remember that colleges are also workplaces Education / 1 year ago by Rory Lancman, opinion contributor 12/18/23 1:00 PM ET
Civil Rights The Supreme Court’s decision won’t cure inequality — quotas will Civil Rights / 5 years ago by Darren Rosenblum, opinion contributor 06/19/20 5:30 PM ET
Civil Rights The LGBTQ community scores a win this week, but the fight isn’t over Civil Rights / 5 years ago by Alphonso David, opinion contributor 06/18/20 7:00 PM ET
Judiciary Title VII cases would bypass Congress, impose policy preferences through courts Judiciary / 5 years ago by Ken Starr, opinion contributor 09/06/19 10:30 AM ET
Court Battles Justice Department says businesses can discriminate against transgender employees Court Battles / 6 years ago by Emily Birnbaum 10/24/18 9:58 PM ET