National Security Moral obligation and our Afghan allies: A military mom’s perspective National Security / 2 years ago by Elaine Lowry Brye, opinion contributor 09/25/22 9:30 AM ET
Immigration Afghans who helped us deserve better immigration treatment Immigration / 3 years ago by Nolan Rappaport, opinion contributor 08/17/22 11:00 AM ET
National Security Afghanistan’s human rights crisis continues — we cannot forget those trapped there National Security / 3 years ago by Matt Nelson, opinion contributor 01/17/22 7:00 AM ET
Politics The US must help Afghans who have helped us Politics / 4 years ago by Rick “Ozzie” Nelson, opinion contributor 06/16/21 2:00 PM ET
Defense Pentagon chief: Military has already started ‘over-the-horizon’ operations in Afghanistan Defense / 4 years ago by Rebecca Kheel 06/10/21 2:34 PM ET
International In Afghanistan, all we are saying is ‘give peace a chance’ International / 4 years ago by Mark Ward, opinion contributor 05/28/21 10:30 AM ET
Defense Pentagon chief: Afghanistan withdrawal ‘slightly’ ahead of schedule Defense / 4 years ago by Rebecca Kheel 05/27/21 3:23 PM ET
Defense US troop pullout from Afghanistan now expected to be complete by mid-July: report Defense / 4 years ago by Joseph Choi 05/26/21 7:57 AM ET
Defense Bush ‘deeply concerned’ US troop withdrawal will create vacuum in Afghanistan Defense / 4 years ago by Ellen Mitchell 05/20/21 1:41 PM ET
Defense US adds 12 fighter jets to protect Afghanistan withdrawal Defense / 4 years ago by Rebecca Kheel 05/06/21 5:58 PM ET
Defense Top general: US considering training Afghan forces in other countries Defense / 4 years ago by Rebecca Kheel 05/06/21 3:24 PM ET
Defense Pentagon: ‘Small harassing attacks’ in Afghanistan not affecting withdrawal Defense / 4 years ago by Rebecca Kheel 05/03/21 4:28 PM ET
Defense Taliban warns of attacks on US troops after withdrawal deadline under Trump deal passes Defense / 4 years ago by Tal Axelrod 05/01/21 9:55 AM ET
Defense US troops begin leaving Afghanistan Defense / 4 years ago by Rebecca Kheel 04/29/21 1:14 PM ET
International US begins moving equipment out of Afghanistan, sends bombers in International / 4 years ago by Ellen Mitchell and Cameron Jenkins 04/23/21 3:57 PM ET
International Biden administration working with Congress to provide $300 million for civilian assistance in Afghanistan International / 4 years ago by Tal Axelrod 04/21/21 2:34 PM ET