
Watch live: IRS chief testifies on 2024 budget request before Senate panel 

Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Daniel Werfel is sworn in by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen at the headquarters of the IRS in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.

Daniel Werfel, commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, is slated to testify Wednesday morning before the Senate Finance Committee regarding President Biden’s 2024 budget request and the 2023 filing season.

Biden has requested $14.1 billion for the IRS, a roughly 15 percent increase from the previous year, which the Treasury says will allow it to continue its services and operations as well as improve some components of the agency, such as IT capabilities and staffing levels, according to the budget document.

The Biden administration has also pressed for an additional more than $29 billion for IRS enforcement funds.

The Wednesday hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. ET.