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Cuccinelli targets Christie’s RGA role

Former Virginia gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli (R) is calling on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) to step down as chairman of the Republican Governors Association in the wake of the bridge scandal.

Cuccinelli, who in November lost a close race to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), said that Christie’s ability to be a surrogate for other gubernatorial candidates had been compromised by the scandal, in which top Christie aides ordered lane closures on the George Washington Bridge lasy year to snarl traffic in the town of a mayor who refused to endorse the governor’s reelection bid.

{mosads}”I think just from the perspective of setting aside this as an issue in other races it makes since for him to step aside in that role. He does not serve the goals of that organization by staying as chairman. And that doesn’t mean any of the charges, political or otherwise, are substantive or not — it doesn’t matter, perception is reality,” Cuccinelli said Tuesday evening on CNN.

Cuccinelli went on to say that he thought it was possible Christie might do so.

“Well, frankly I think this is still relatively new, and he may well step down. I have no idea what his thinking is on that. And he may get some counsel from some other governors along those lines,” he said.

Read more from The Hill.