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NRCC launches radio ads highlighting ObamaCare site glitches

Republicans are targeting 11 House Democrats with ads criticizing the rollout of the ObamaCare website.

{mossecondads}Republicans are targeting 11 House Democrats with ads criticizing the rollout of the ObamaCare website.

The ads from the National Republican Congressional Committee targeting female voters, a constituency that the GOP has had trouble winning in past cycles.

In the ad, two women discuss the government-run exchange site.

{mosads}”They spent 500 million of our tax dollars to build it, and it won’t work,” one woman says.

The other responds: “And if you’re facing all these issues just signing up, imagine how difficult it could be to get medical care. Finding a doctor’s appointment will be a nightmare. And have you looked into how much your insurance premiums will rise?”

The ads are running in the districts of Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick (Ariz.), Joe Garcia (Fla.), Tim Walz (Minn.), Collin Peterson (Minn.), Rick Nolan (Minn.) Carol Shea-Porter (N.H.), Ann McLane Kuster (N.H.), Tim Bishop (N.Y.), Bill Owens (N.Y.), Pete Gallego (Texas) and Nick Rahall (W.Va.).

A woman speaking in the ad running in Kirkpatrick’s district proposes calling her congresswoman, and the other pushes back: “She’s part of the problem! Kirkpatrick voted to keep special subsidies for Members of Congress.”

She adds: “Typical Washington. Kirkpatrick protects her healthcare while our costs go up.”

The ads come as the Obama administration delays the deadline to buy health insurance by six weeks after a growing number of Democrats began to push for an extension, due to the significant glitches users of the healthcare site faced when trying to enroll.

Democrats have expressed optimism that once the website is fixed, the party will move past the rocky rollout and reap the benefits of the law.

But Republicans have indicated they’ll continue to make the disastrous website launch an issue for the party long after the site improves, seeing it as evidence government isn’t suited to dabble in health care, and Democrats aren’t fit to run the government.

“Women in Arizona are sick and tired of Washington politicians like Ann Kirkpatrick getting taxpayer-funded healthcare, while they’re stuck with a disastrous ObamaCare website and rising premiums for their families,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek in a statement. “This targeted radio buy allows us to speak directly to women during the broadcasts they listen to about how Kirkpatrick is using their money to pay for her own Cadillac coverage.”




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