White House spokesman: Omarosa showed ‘disdain and disregard’ for national security in Situation Room recording

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley slammed former administration aide Omarosa Manigault Newman on Wednesday, saying she showed disdain and disregard for national security when she secretly recorded a conversation with chief of staff John Kelly in the Situation Room.

“Can you fathom for just a moment, the thought of going into the Situation Room, and everyone knows the reputation of that particular room … with the expressed purpose of recording, not just a co-worker, not just your boss and the chief of staff, anybody,” Gidley told Ned Ryun on Hill.TV’s “Rising.” 

“It shows a complete disdain and disregard for national security, and it’s, quite frankly, disgusting for someone to do that. And then on the back end to go on and record the president of the United States in a private phone call,” he continued. 

“When she does that act, violating all types of ethical behavior, all types of norms within the White House, again the disregard for national security, she [then] goes on national television and brags about it,” he added. 

Manigault Newman, who is in the midst of promoting her new memoir, released two audio recordings from her time at the White House, one of which she says was recorded in the White House Situation Room with Kelly in which he can be heard firing her. 

The second recording is what appears to be a private phone call between President Trump and Manigault Newman in which Trump says he was unaware she had been fired. 

Manigault Newman said on Monday that she “absolutely” has more tapes, but does not know when she will release them. 

Trump has since slammed Manigault Newman on Twitter, referring to her as a “lowlife” and a “dog.” 

“When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!” he said in a tweet. 



— Julia Manchester

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