Trump’s job approval dips slightly to 44 percent

President Trump’s job approval rating has dipped slightly in recent days to 44 percent in a new Hill-HarrisX survey of registered voters released Tuesday.

A majority of respondents, 56 percent, said they disapproved of the president’s job performance when contacted for the May 10-11 poll.

Those findings indicate a small, 2-point dip in support for Trump since the previous April 29-30 survey but the change is within both surveys’ 3.1 percentage point sampling margin of error. The president has been at either 45 or 46 percent support in Hill-HarrisX polls since Feb. 7 so the newest number could reflect the beginning of a trend or represent a statistical anomaly.

Respondents who said they liked the job Trump is doing were fairly evenly split about the degree. Twenty-four percent said they “strongly approved” of him while 21 percent said they “somewhat approved” of him.

Trump’s critics were much more fervent in their opinions than his supporters. Only 16 percent of all respondents said they “somewhat disapproved” of him while more than twice as many, 39 percent, said they “strongly disapproved” of the president.

A majority of both women and men said they did not support Trump’s official conduct with 59 percent of female respondents saying they disapproved and 53 percent of men saying the same.

White voters narrowly approved of Trump 52-48 percent, while 84 percent of black respondents and 71 percent of Hispanics said they disapproved.

Trump fared best among middle-aged respondents to the survey with 49 percent of those between 35 and 49 saying they backed him. Forty-seven percent of respondents between 50 and 64 said they approved.

A large 62 percent majority of voters 34 and younger said they disapproved of Trump while only 38 percent said they approved of him.

Fifty-eight percent of respondents 65 years old and up said they disapproved of the president’s job performance while 42 percent said they supported him.

—Matthew Sheffield

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